Teddy bear maker cuts price on the Hillary bear (go back »)

June 16 2008, 1:43 AM

 Teddy Bear ShirtHillary Clinton's not only out of the running. She's been relegatedto the bargain bin. A teddy bear maker that's selling bear likenesses of presidentialcandidates John McCain, Barack Obama and Clinton has cut the priceon the Clinton model -- from $99.95 to $74.95 -- because she's nolonger a candidate. "She's no longer part of that trio of candidates, so we put her onsale," said Meg Terrien, a spokeswoman for Vermont Teddy Bear Co. The company, which makes about 450,000 bears for its bear gramdelivery service and also sells a "Love Gov" bear based on formerNew York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, began marketing the 15-inch tallpresidential candidate bears in April. The McCain model wears a gray suit with a red power tie, whitedress shirt and "McCain" lapel pin. "This courageous bear is atyour service," reads a promotional blurb on the company's Web site."Wearing a business suit and tie and McCain 2008 campaign button,he makes a great gift for any McCain supporter." Obama's bear comes with a white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up,black pants and an Obama '08 campaign button. "This Bear is one youcan believe in to get the vote of any Barack supporter," reads itsblurb. Clinton's comes wearing her signature yellow blazer, black slacks,string of pearls and blue "Hillary for President" button. It's "afun solution to finding the perfect gift for any Hillarysupporter," according to the Web site. "People loved them," said Terrien. "It's always fun to see acaricature of someone you know or are familiar with. Because of allthe coverage of the campaign, people have a good visual of what thecandidates look like, so seeing that visual on a teddy bear wasreally humorous." The company wouldn't say how many of the bears have sold, butaccording to Terrien, 55 percent of those sold were Obama bears, 35percent were Clinton bears and 10 percent McCain bears. One visitor at Vermont Teddy Bear's plant Wednesday got a goodchuckle out of the bears -- and Clinton's discount price. "It still costs a lot, at least to me," said Lisa Donatiello, 42,of Flemington, N.J., who was attending a conference nearby andstopped in to buy her 7-year-old daughter a teddy bear. "It's verytimely. They're great at keeping up with what's going on thesedays."

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